Dear Novel Writer
Welcome. This is a special place just for you and me. As your novel writing coach, I want to talk shop. And by “shop,” I mean “plot.”
But before we dive into the “p” word, let me say this: I’m so excited for you! And for me! You see, I’m actually a bit of a fan girl when it comes to novel writers. I think what you do is magic! You design entire worlds, populate them with living, breathing characters—then pull me along on their gripping adventures. And if that’s not magic, I don’t know what is.
Jamie Morris is a writing coach, story guru and co-author of PLOTTING YOUR NOVEL WITH THE PLOT CLOCK who brings more than a decade of experience to early-career novelists. —THE WRITER magazine, July 2021
Learn more here on my bio page.
Start with my proven method for novel writing: the Plot Clock
Okay. Plot. This is a thing I’m good at. Maybe it’s an instinct. If it is, I bet you have it, too! But for sure my plot instincts improved exponentially when I started working with the Plot Clock. Now, the Plot Clock is my number one most reliable tool to help novel writers create powerful, compelling plots.
And it’s efficient, too. When I work with novelists, we find traction fast! Which is good news for us both—because it means you can write more great novels for me to read!
Considering my appreciation of the Plot Clock, it won’t surprise you that I co-wrote the book on it: PLOTTING YOUR NOVEL WITH THE PLOT CLOCK. (Yes, it’s a pretty pedestrian title. But that’s fine—as long as it helps you write sensational novels, right?)
The Plot Clock is simple, clear, and flexible enough to be useful in any story enterprise, from picture book to adult novel, and from genre writing to the most serious of literature. PLOTTING YOUR NOVEL WITH THE PLOT CLOCK is a must-read for any aspiring writer, period. —Ryan G. Van Cleave, Head of Creative Writing at Ringling College of Art and Design.
Learn more about the Plot Clock or book a Plot Clock Consultation now.
Finding your style: Are you a pantser, not a plotter?
Do you know your writing style? Pantsers—named for “flying by the seat of one’s pants”—write first, then figure out how to organize what they’ve got. Plotters, on the other hand, map out their novels first, then write.
So, if you’re a pantser, not a plotter? Can I still help you write your novel? Yes! I trust the Plot Clock to address a lot of plotting issues. But, equally, I admire the courage and tenacity it takes pantsers to wander through the dark, mysterious woods of their creativity and hack out a path that will eventually lead them to their story.
How we work together
Writing a novel is an exciting journey, and one I love being a part of! As your writing coach, I will offer the support—accountability, know-how, strategic planning—to help you move your book ahead.
Your novel coaching plan will be unique—because you’re unique! We might agree that developing a solid outline for your book is job one! And if you already have an outline? We’ll create a plan to launch a draft!
My process-focused approach will help you clarify your goals, gain confidence, break through blocks, and finish a draft that is ready to pitch. Your coaching will generally look something like this:
- Every week or two, you’ll send me what you’re working on—a chapter or scene, perhaps—and your current questions about it.
- Then we’ll meet by phone or video call to dive into the material you’ve shared.
- Next, we’ll create a plan to carry you forward to the next step.
Learn more about working with a novel writing coach.
More raves!
Whether I’m just beginning a new project, trying to dig my way out of a messy middle, or adding the finishing touches, Jamie’s input has been invaluable. She has a unique talent—almost a sixth sense, really—that enables her to immediately understand the heart of a piece and respond with constructive, motivational critique. —Julie Compton, author of TELL NO LIES and RESCUING OLIVIA (Macmillan), and the TNL sequel, KEEP NO SECRETS (Fresh Fork)
Jamie! We nailed it! Amazing brains clicking together, and I now have a solid first act, broken down scene by scene. So many thanks for your dedication and willingness to stick it out, Jamie! —Anne Hawkinson, author, THE MYSTERY AT MOZ HOLLOW; co-author, SCOTLAND’S KNIGHT
Just compared this draft of my novel to the first version. With your help, I honed my characters’ motivations and successfully overhauled my plot. You provided tons of encouragement, copious brainstorming, and kind words every step of the way. THANK YOU! —Cindy Knoebel
[She’s] an insightful coach. Whether you’re an experienced writer or just starting out, I can’t recommend Jamie Morris highly enough. —Patrick Matthews, DRAGON RUN (Scholastic)
Jamie, I just wanted to thank you. You are such a great writing coach. I’m incredibly grateful and just stunned at how much ground you covered. Oh, my gosh—I learned a ton from every session! Someday, I hope to gain a fraction of the insight you possess, but I’ll shut up now and just say thank you so much. —Megan Cooke, writer, animator; graduate, Ringling College of Art and Design Creative Writing Program
Jamie Morris is an outstanding resource for writers who want to reach the pinnacle of success. She’s a warm, encouraging angel on your shoulder, but she’s also got the skills, experience, and good judgment to help you vanquish your weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths. If you’re a writer with serious ambitions, work with Jamie. —Elizabeth Sims, author of the Rita Farmer Mysteries series and the Lillian Byrd crime series
Jamie has a unique gift with writers, especially emerging novelists. She is careful to draw out their talents and yet at the same time not allow them to drift into common traps and mistakes that can hold back a novel writer’s craft. She is a writer’s advocate and a must-have tool in their career. —JL Rehman, author, INSANITY ROAD (Partners in Crime Publishers) and NO MIDDLE GROUND (Partners in Crime Publishers)
Getting started: Your next steps
Getting started is as easy as a click. Schedule a free initial consultation where we’ll explore your novel and how you can benefit from a professional novel writing coach. I can help you write your novel!
I’d love to hear about your story. You can check out my rates page to learn more about my pricing and coaching packages.